TMB was founded in Pernumia (PD) as an individual company and later moved to Monselice in 1986, where it evolved first into a family business and then into a limited company as it expanded into its current plant facility.
From its earliest days, the company has specialised in working parts made in various aluminium alloys for diversified customers in the precision mechanics industrial sectors, acquiring a depth of technical experience and know-how that few companies can claim.

Thanks to the endeavours of technically skilled and determined personnel who pursued previously unexplored lines of research and development, we created as yet commercially unavailable high-speed machining tools based on technologically advanced and innovative concepts. We thus achieved significant reductions in production cycle timing together with high levels of quality and remarkably competitive processing costs.
The achievement of this leadership has inspired the constant adoption of cutting-edge technologies and machinery and diligent care in keeping our plant and processes continuously up to date. Our machinery is dedicated to specific applications but is also flexible for diversified production, supported by effective testing and management solutions.